Hiking Boots

Ready for the trails. Bead embroiderd scene, a pair of new hiking boots under a freshly painted trail sign.

The hand sewn piece is made with size 11/0 seed beads and a vintage AbaloneĀ  bird bead. 7 X 8 inches, mounted on a 12 X 12 inch painted canvas.

Hiking Boots

Next up on my beading tray.

Please don’t laugh at my drawing, it is a rough sketch from a photo. This is our squirrel that lives at the front of the property.Ā  We call her “Yard Boss”.

Yard Boss

White Raven

New bead art. Everybody in Alaska knows about the White RavenĀ  that has been entertaining folks this winter. I have not seen him / her but I have seen lots of photos. This is my interpretation of the White RavenĀ  sitting on a pine bough looking up at the Aurora.

Hand embroidery using size 11/0 seed beads. 8 X 8 inches

White Raven

Current W.I.P.

I have started working on another Polar Bear. I like my beadwork to have contours and depth so, I use layers of felt under the beads. I also add beads in layers to add more depth. There are four different shades of white beads used in the bear, and five different shades of white plus clear beads used for the snow.

Day trip up the Steese

Nice day for a drive. 50 degrees in North Pole this morning. It was 54 degrees when we got to Davidson Ditch, 63 mile Steese. We went on up to 12 Mile Summit. Temperature dropped to 44 but, the sun was out. We walked down the Circle to Fairbanks Trail for a while. I got a few nice photos of Alpine flowers just starting to pop out. Then I found a very interesting dug out area in a small rocky mound… We drove on up to Eagle Summit to hike around. The trail was recently snowed on, they really like folks to stick to walking on the trail so we turned back. Found another area with an unmarked trail a few miles away. Found alot of wildflowers here! Man was it windy,and cool. 40 degrees. We wandered around taking photos of flowers, clouds and mountains. It tried to snow, just enough to make you wonder how far you should go out the trail. After exploring for a few hours we headed back down to a warmer area for lunch . We found a spot to pull off the road around 85 mile Steese that looked over a pond. 64 degrees and sunny! Sandwiches are always better outside in the sunshine. Lots of pics below.

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Moundsville: PBS Film & Magazine

Stories Around an American Town (Scroll Down to Read)

Nunalleq 2023

An archaeological adventure by the Bering Sea

Common Sense

artist-run gallery in Edmonton: established 2008


Yup'ik/Alaska Native contemporary and traditional arts and crafts

Jewelry Making

DIY Jewelry, Beads And Patterns

Coffee, Beads, & Blogging

Making the world more beadiful, one cup of coffee at a time.

Sassafrass Hill Days

Sharing the love of Hand Made

Rachel Elliott

author / illustrator / educator